"Huawei, in partnership with Nation Media Group (NMG) will be hosting a Job Fair that aims at connecting job seekers with employers. The event will be held on the 15th to 17th December at the KICC grounds.


The 15th and 16th December will accommodate student Job seekers looking to secure opportunities within the STEM field. 


All students and graduates who are currently looking for internships or jobs are encouraged to apply.


Application Linkhttps://forms.gle/yAwQ4hv7xXLah4ed6


Deadline:  13th December 2022 at 23:59Hrs (Event flyer is attached)


All students are advised to prepare an updated C.V and cover letter before application. After successful application and review, candidates will receive an SMS confirmation to schedule them to attend the Job Fair.


We wish you the very best  !"